Authority Website: Getting Started

authority-websiteGuys, hope your December is turning out well.

It’s summer time over here. Lots of sunshine where I live. Days are much longer and nights are shorter.

This is my first update on the 10K Challenge, where I am documenting my journey on building an authority website from scratch and grow it to 10K in revenues.

So far, I have done the basics required to get a site up. Here’s what I have:

i) Bought a domain name: (Get yours from at $.5.88 per year)

ii) Hosting: I already have  unlimited disk space with JustHost

iii) WordPress theme: I got the Seashell theme from Themeforest

iv) Downloaded about 800 keywords related to bees from Google Keyword Planner

I haven’t even got the theme ready. Here is how the website looks like now:

authority website

Goals of the Website

The goal of establishing the website is to make it an authority source on matters related to bee keeping. I chose the bee niche not because I have any passion in it, but because it’s an evergreen niche that has huge potential. Moreover, I have scoured the web but have not found many, if any, authority sites in the niche.

You can get a list of evergreen niches for your niche sites here.

Majority of the websites I have come across look outdated although there are some very active forums. I will strive to make the number one site where bee keepers and enthusiasts can get information that will help them be successful with their bee businesses or hobbies.

Here is an overview of some of the content I will cover:

i) Bee farming guides/advice

ii) Reviews of different bee farming products

iii) Interviews of successful bee farmers

iv) Provide one-stop source for bee farming resource

v) And more

Authority Website Content Creation

At the moment, I will be creating most of the content on the bee farming authority site. I have excellent research skills and although I don’t know a lot about bee farming, I am sure I can create great content. This 10K project is going to be one hell-of-a-ride and a great learning experience.

I have a very modest budget for this project. I will try to do most of the content creation by myself but outsource some parts of marketing, for example SEO. I may also outsource things like video creation.

All these are just thoughts at this time. When the activities are due, I will know how to proceed.

I will be creating long detailed guides that have a number of keywords that will make them rank well. For every article, I will strive to provide as much detail as possible so that visitors will feel contented after reading.

Authority Site Monetization

I will monetize the authority site through different ways. The potential obvious ways include using Adsense, promoting affiliate products and creating my own info products. When the site finally explodes in traffic and users, I may look into creating my own physical product, having a forum/marketplace, or finally sell the site.

Things will fall into place in time.

To-Do List in December

This December, I plan to accomplish the following tasks for my authority site:

i) Finish the website design

ii) Create a logo for the site

iii) Create a list of potential titles that I can write about

iv) Write down a list of competitor sites for drilling down their marketing strategy, forming partnerships, and getting content ideas.

v) Find a list of potential relevant traffic sources for the website.

There we go guys. Slow and steady Dean wins the race.

Are you creating a niche site or authority website? I would like to keep up to date with your projects. Comment below with a link to your authority site.

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About Don Modekali

Don Modekali is busy with a number of income experiments.

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