Simple Trick That Guarantees Goal Achievement

guarantee goal achievementThe Euro Cup is here. No, I don’t watch much football. I used to some years back but realized I always went to sleep with a heartache when my team lost. A team that did not even know that someone in Kenya was their die-hard fan.

Anyway, we’re in the second stretch of the year. In football, this would be the second half. It’s game time. No time for mistakes because we’ve seen how the first half of the year has been. We’ve learned our weaknesses, we know where we need to put more effort and even more importantly, we know what we are supposed to do to get the results we want.

Nothing can stop us now.

If you are like me, you probably made some goals at the beginning of the year. Yes, you may not have publicly made them, but at least in your heart and mind, you had some things you wanted to achieve. And now with the first half of the years gone, you may be wondering how time has quickly passed. The passing of time is inevitable. But the real reason you may be wondering why time passed is you haven’t achieved most of the goals you’d planned on.

If this sounds like you…read on.

The Goal Setting Trap

Goal setting can make you motivated as well as miserable depending on how you perform. If you have been smashing those goals, you are probably motivated and are confident of how your year will end. On the flipside, if the goals you made now seem like a distant memory, you may be wondering what is wrong with you. Every year, no goals accomplished.

Be of good cheer my friend. You are not alone. Failing to achieve goals is only human. However, this should not be an excuse for you to live a mediocre life. It shouldn’t be an excuse for you not to follow your dreams. I know, dreams are overrated; especially when life has put you down more than once. Some people choose to treat carefully when they’ve lost once or twice. Others choose to reside in the comfort of the familiar. You know, something related like the picture below:


If you made goals at the beginning of the year, do not beat yourself down. Take this second-half of the year as a second lease to life. However, it’s the do-or-die season. You either win or win. There is no excuse for failure. When you know you have no option but to win. To achieve you goals. To do that project you’ve had since 2013. To go through that course you bought for $297. To write that first blog post. To (fill in the blanks), you will do whatever it takes to get things done.

I have always been the type that sets many, many goals for myself. My goals list usually looks like a shopping list. I don’t know why but setting many goals makes me feel like I have my calendar of life all filled. I usually dread having “free” time when I’m not doing anything.

Goal setting experts have many times debunked the myth of having many goals. One of the fascinating explanations I’ve read is that you shouldn’t be setting goals. Instead, it should be a goal (notice there is no ‘s’ after goal). Having many goals simply act as a destruction to your main goal.

This is something I would like to try this second half of the year. I will identify one main goal that I think is important in my life, and then work towards achieving it. It I clock the goal, I will get to the next most-important ones, and the cycle continues. This way, I will have a clear set of goals accomplished by the time the year ends rather than having a bunch of half-accomplished goals.

Guarantee Goal Achievement With the Power of Small

Before I wind up, I wanted to touch something on the power of doing small actions in achieving your goals. This is the simple trick that can, if followed, guarantee achievement of any goals you set.

Someone once said that success is not the effort you put, but a habit you have. For successful people, it’s all about the small things that matter in their goals. The small, seemingly irrelevant or the small boring tasks that matter.

I am learning to love the boring parts. The not so sexy tasks that no one writes about in their online income reports. These small tasks, when compounded, result into the massive success  everyone wants to see. The tasks will be different depending on what you want to achieve. Here are a few examples:

i) Want to get fit? –> Identify a workout on Youtube, commit to doing the workout.

ii) Want to increase your income? –> Raise your rates, introduce a new service

iii) Want to find a partner? –> Go outdoors, make an effort to meet people

iv) Want to start a blog? –> Register a domain name, install WordPress

The beauty of doing the small tasks is that they set up you activities in motion and provide the momentum needed to accomplish your goals.

So, if you haven’t achieved any of the goals you set to at the beginning of the year, take this second half of the year as a do-or-die session. You either make it, or make it. No excuses.

Go through the goals you made, and then identify the small tasks that have to be done. Doing these tasks will help you get to the end of the goal without you even knowing. Remember, it doesn’t matter how slowly you walk, as long as you don’t stop. Love the boring tasks. Do them!

Cheers to a new month!


About Don Modekali

Don Modekali is busy with a number of income experiments.

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