Winds of Change Are Blowing

It’s been a long time…I should never have left you without a dope beat to step to. Aaliyah ft. Timbaland (Watch the vid below).

Great song…don’t you think?

Yeah, it’s been a long time since I last made a post. Over the period, a lot done changed. So many projects to do, so little time to commit to them.

Anyway, I am back like I never left. This is going to be a short update on the direction I will be taking with my business. Without further ado, here are the notes.

i) Change of Website

Yes, I’ve decided to change my main website from to That’s where I will be writing about my journey in the online entrepreneurship world. Well, if you are wondering why the change, there is really no big deal. It’s all about the direction I want to take my business. I guess I will also say it’s about branding. It’s easier to brand Niche Site Vault than Don Modekali.

So, what happens to Don Modekali? Well, I’ll still be writing here once in a while. But the posts will mostly be about life…you know, the little things I learn or experience everyday? That’s what Don Modekali will be about. For things related to niche sites et al, Niche Site Vault will be the place for them.

I haven’t set up Niche Site Vault fully as I operate on Jeff Bezo’s mantra  “If you launch when everything is perfect, you have launched too late”.  Anyway, that’s that.

ii) Getting Ish Done

Sometimes I feel like the world is mine. Have you ever had a day that everything is going your way? I’ve had days like that. Of late, I’ve been getting a lot of ish done on a regular. I’ve had a couple of projects running for a long time. I’ve had ideas at the back of my head for a long time. All of a sudden, I feel it’s time to be doing all these projects. I’ll be 30 in Aug, 16 and the last thing I want is to enter the new decade in a state of “what ifs”.

The worst thing about not taking action on ideas is that sooner or later, you will see someone who’s implemented the same idea and would wish you were the one. Back in 2012, when the Groupon faze was on, I wanted to make something similar for the Kenyan market. The idea was always in my head but I kept postponing it. Just when I finally decided to implement the idea, I got wind that Rupu ( a Kenyan daily deals site) had just launched. A couple more daily deals sites launched but Rupu rode the tide and has been the most succesful of them all. Up to today, I still have those questions about, “What if I’d started this daily deals site sooner?”. Perhaps I could have been the market’s Rupu.

Anyway, enough wishing and postponing. My new mantra is implement and fail fast. There is no ROI is having ideas that are not implemented.

And that’s all folks What? Did you expect something more?

Okay, I’m taking about 25 people to help me with a niche site course beta. If you would like to be part of it, send me an email. The only requirement is that you should be an absolute newbies in Internet Marketing. If you are not, you will find the discussions in the beta too simple for your advanced skills. Anyway, if you haven’t made any money online, I’d like to include you in a beta group. I’ll be using the group to create a membership site with a course for niche site enthusiasts.

And finally, this coming weekend, go visit your mom or cousin that you haven’t seen for so long. It’s worth it. Moreover, life is short.

And God blessed me with a daughter in March. Don’t blessings come in doubles?




-The Dapper Don




About Don Modekali

Don Modekali is busy with a number of income experiments.

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